Saturday 31 May 2014

ACFA: Where The Required Assistance For Farmers Will Be Found

The situation farmers are facing in our society today should serve as a memory lane to re-direct our minds to the words of George Orwell in his book Animal Farm.
The Old Major almost the oldest animal and the wildest animal in the farm summons his comrades and started to guard them towards considering together the present quandary they are facing in the farm.
Remember! The animals produce all the food needed, and it is this food production that the farm is known for but yet, their lives were miserable, laborious, and short”.

Don’t be perplex dear reader about the situation farmers are facing. Like the Old Major rightly said, “We are born, allowed to take little that will make us live, then we are deceive to the farm to face a laborious work. The type a heavy duty machine cannot do “When we try to complain about the in-human treatment we are getting from the various government that be, we are threatened and warned of the danger we will be facing, if we do.

No farmer in the state has known the meaning of happiness or leisure during their life time. The lives of the farmers are miserable and almost like that of a slave. Except the one that are willing to dance to the music of their oppressors.
I know you won’t doubt this, because, that is the perfect and plain Truth.
My comrade farmers, as I continues to wonder why our government cannot be able to render assistance to this organized serious minded, law abiding and loyal citizen of the land, what I always come to understand is……. “The tool they use o oppress the famers; are farmers themselves” WHO THEN ARE THESE FARMERS, AND WHERE DO THEY COME FROM?

At this point, there’s need to go down the memory lane…
Before Nigeria had her independent in 1960, the country has relied on Agricultural product to sustain her. After the independent and about 1965 or there about, the source of income generation still remain Agricultural produces. Like cocoa from the west, groundnut from North and palm oil from the east. Why rubber and palm oil were from the Midwest.
Why do our various tiers of government decide not to assist this sector now?
Is it that our land is so poor and infertile to the extend that crop will not do well in it? God forbid.
 It can never be. Because the soil of Nigeria is very fertile and her climate is good. Even without fertilizer it still remain the green and best productive land in Africa, today. It is a land flowing with milk and honey, a land prepared as that of Egypt by the time Joseph was the manager (minister for Agric).  Down there then in Egypt, during the time of the pharaoh.

Remember that all other source of income generation will fade away. but Agriculture will remain forever. Why? because it still remain the only sector that will remain till the new world.

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