Wednesday 20 August 2014


      action or development is every parent’s worst nightmare—you wake up in the middle of the night to check on your child, hoping that he/she is sleeping in BED. Only to find out that he/she’s not there. Your heart starts pounding and you fly into panic mode, calling her friends, your relatives, and the police.

            Whether or not your children has run away from home before or have just threatened to do so, or whether you fear that he/she might—it’s vital that you read this article.
in the report by James Lehman he said he has worked with runaway teens for many years, and in this new serie i have decided to explains why kids run away from home, ways you can stop them, and how to handle their behavior when they come home.

PURPOSE OF THIS INFORMATION:  The intent of this write-up is to support parents in situations where their child uses running away as a faulty problem-solving skill in response to rules or limits that are being set in the home. Sometimes there are underlying issues that may influence a child or teen to run away. This article is not intended to address situations that may possibly involve abuse, neglect or other issues.

         An instance of Omoefe Agbonlahor, the owner of this page is cited as an instance of such incident as she has once fall victim of this incident. when on Sunday the 16th of August, 2014, at about 5pm she whisk through the backdoor of her parents house located around Off Amadasun Street, Ugbighoko Quarters, Benin City, after some friends violently attacked her mother who went to the said house to pick her home. father was informed immediately. After which he urgently rushed home to remedy the situation. Unfortunately, she has successfully acknowledged her mission. The father without wasting time went to the scene of incident where it was confirmed that such a thing really happened.
Omoefe did not come home till ........ It was so surprising how a total stranger could be so hard hearted to keep a teenager of about fifteen years of age at home till today 20th August, 2014, that this article is written. we advice parents who falls victim to this situation not to panic or be confused as this may lead them to total disarray.
As a parent just be organise and keep yourself composed in order to be resolute on the kind of decision to take next

Being True Friends is Being in Light

I know you would love to know the world we are presently, and why we are living in such a world by this time. This could be related to the prophesied sign of the end as stated in the book of II Timothy Chapter 3:1-5
The person that appear in this post just fall a victim of persons recorded in verse 5 of II Timothy chapter 3 "having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people." they have appeared as if they have help or support for her and took her out of the bound of the parents.
Please, don't hesitate to immediately call the numbers provided herein or please report at the nearest police station to you. This may save this pretty looking girl from her prey and also rescue the human eater who intended to make Omoefe Agbonlahor 'MEAT'
She is a Jehovah's Witness who associate with Agbodo Congregation, Edo State Nigeria.

Saturday 31 May 2014

ACFA: Where The Required Assistance For Farmers Will Be Found

The situation farmers are facing in our society today should serve as a memory lane to re-direct our minds to the words of George Orwell in his book Animal Farm.
The Old Major almost the oldest animal and the wildest animal in the farm summons his comrades and started to guard them towards considering together the present quandary they are facing in the farm.
Remember! The animals produce all the food needed, and it is this food production that the farm is known for but yet, their lives were miserable, laborious, and short”.

Don’t be perplex dear reader about the situation farmers are facing. Like the Old Major rightly said, “We are born, allowed to take little that will make us live, then we are deceive to the farm to face a laborious work. The type a heavy duty machine cannot do “When we try to complain about the in-human treatment we are getting from the various government that be, we are threatened and warned of the danger we will be facing, if we do.

No farmer in the state has known the meaning of happiness or leisure during their life time. The lives of the farmers are miserable and almost like that of a slave. Except the one that are willing to dance to the music of their oppressors.
I know you won’t doubt this, because, that is the perfect and plain Truth.
My comrade farmers, as I continues to wonder why our government cannot be able to render assistance to this organized serious minded, law abiding and loyal citizen of the land, what I always come to understand is……. “The tool they use o oppress the famers; are farmers themselves” WHO THEN ARE THESE FARMERS, AND WHERE DO THEY COME FROM?

At this point, there’s need to go down the memory lane…
Before Nigeria had her independent in 1960, the country has relied on Agricultural product to sustain her. After the independent and about 1965 or there about, the source of income generation still remain Agricultural produces. Like cocoa from the west, groundnut from North and palm oil from the east. Why rubber and palm oil were from the Midwest.
Why do our various tiers of government decide not to assist this sector now?
Is it that our land is so poor and infertile to the extend that crop will not do well in it? God forbid.
 It can never be. Because the soil of Nigeria is very fertile and her climate is good. Even without fertilizer it still remain the green and best productive land in Africa, today. It is a land flowing with milk and honey, a land prepared as that of Egypt by the time Joseph was the manager (minister for Agric).  Down there then in Egypt, during the time of the pharaoh.

Remember that all other source of income generation will fade away. but Agriculture will remain forever. Why? because it still remain the only sector that will remain till the new world.


It is truly painful to see that every effort put in by farmers in order to make this sector attractive and more productive proves abortive. The questions in the minds of most intelligent farmers are:
1.      Why are farmers treated as outcast, even in his/her own motherland?
2.      Why are they made to pass through pain and agony, and still do not get any support from government?
3.      Why is malevolence always unleashed on farmers, even when it’s clear that they toil day and night to make sure there’s food in the table of everyone in our communities?.

These and many other heart throbbing questions are being asked in regard to the way(s) farmers are treated in Edo State. Why is this issue a great concern for some concerned individuals and organizations; the likes if ACFA.
It is probably because the All Cooperative Farmers Association has resolved to create an avenue where those in the grass root will be heard, noticed and assisted. They may have also conceived a rationale to inform, educate, and enlighten the people about the activities of those in the grass root. ACFA also have the ability to purchase and market all Edo Farmers produce. We also have the intent to make the general public know the level of flexibility that operates in the group. With these qualities displayed by ACFA, you will see that it’s a home for all (A Human Eucalyptus) an organization that have enough room to accommodate any individuals/groups that may find confidence in her. plight

The fact that these set of human are subjected to difficulty and are treated as slaves in their own fathers’ house, reflect the reality that they are not legitimate children of the master. Because if they are, they would not have been treated so badly. Hence we in Gofta insinuates that if the situation is properly put on examination, you will find out that those oppressing the farmers are the privileged slaves in the master’s household. The one Billion Naira question here is, has the master willed the birthright and the legitimacy of his children (his blood) to his slaves? Is the master on a long term trip abroad? Has the children offended the master (their father) to the extent that he willingly allowed them to be maltreated?
The right answer to these questions will put an end to the puzzle (Why are the farmers maltreated?) the book ‘Why Are The Farmers Mishandle is the first of his kind, written, produced and printed by Gofta world group initiative center. Authored by, pro-Agbons Osakue (p.c.l.).
Over the years many events has taken place which has shown that the most important sector of Nigeria Economy has been Rickety managed. In the united state of America for custom, according to the journal (world watch) they now have fewer farmers than prisoner. The reason is not for fetched.  The farmers are mishandled, they are not cared for.  It doesn’t seem or appear to those in authority that the farmer plays any significant role in the life of the citizenry.  But the fact remains that it is expensive pretense for them because a nation without farmers is been regarded as no nation.  Hence even the governmental official cannot live without the existence of farmers.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

          The federal government of Nigeria should immediately pronounce a total restriction on vehicles using cng gas in every state in the North in order to be able to check the incessant bomb blast in the Northern part of the country.

           This restriction should also involve the vehicle of any arm of the security agencies. whether in their official, patrol vehicles or in their private vehicles.

We are very sure this will go a long well to check this trend.

allcofa: Making Things Work

Disadvantages of Natural Gas
1. Toxic and Flammable: Leaks of natural gas are tremendously dangerous. Such leaks may cause explosions or fire. When inhaled, the gas is highly toxic. The main danger is that it is odorless and leaks cannot be detected unless some odorant has been added to the gas. It is for this reason that LPG (residentially used gas) is suffused with odorants, that in the event of a leak, detection is easy and appropriate actions can be taken. In the case of an underground leak, we are helpless as odorant becomes weaker and the gas leak goes undetected.
2. Damage to Environment: Burning of natural gas also releases carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other carbon compounds which are greenhouse gases that cause global warming and climate change. Even though it is cleaner than oil or coal as far as its by products are concerned, leakage of natural gas can be have serious consequences as methane is more toxic than carbon dioxide.
3. Complex Processing: For use as fuel, except for methane, all other constituents of natural gas have to be extracted. Processing results in many byproducts: hydrocarbons (propane, ethane etc.), sulfur, water, helium, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide.
4. Non-Renewable: Like all fossil fuels, natural gas though found in abundance is non-renewable and hence likely to be exhausted at some point of time. It is not a long term solution to our energy problems.
5. Expensive Installation: The infrastructure for natural gas production and distribution is fairly expensive. This includes separate plumbing systems and specialized tanks.
6. Inefficiency in Transportation: Natural gas when used as a fuel in vehicles provides less mileage than gasoline.
In spite of disadvantages, the entire process of producing, transporting and making use of natural gas provides an energy efficiency which is best among all fossil fuels. It proves to be less harmful to environment when it comes to pollution. It may not last forever but as of today it is the most popular energy source.


Dangers of cng gas cylinder.

It has been ascertained that most of the explosions taking place in the Northern part of the country today is made possible by means of cng energized cylinders.
          Most of the cylinders has timing. Most time people think that the timing is a gauge but research has shown that the insurgence are professionals. they connect a sensor to a remote controller which they normally use to ignite the bomb.
      It's not easy for the security agents to trap these insurgence because, most vehicle in the country has been converted to cng gas system. What is needed to be done is for the Federal government to halt the use of this facility to provide quick solution to this menace.
      A thorough check on vehicle with cng gas, proper check on the connection system, and if possible, total bound on the use of the facility.